Sunday, December 4, 2011

Just A Spoonful of Sugar...

...helps the medicine go down!

I have no doubt you now have Mary Poppins running through your head (as well you should!).  I'm also realizing that this would have also been a great title during our "limit sugar" time, but c'est la vie!

The medicine to which I refer is taking my own advice.  If you've been checking in regularly or have signed up as a follower, first of all: THANKS!  and secondly: sorry the posts have been a bit bare this week.  It was a crazy week and I definitely did NOT take my own advice about finding "Me Time" and do a little blogging (because, yes, it relaxes me!).

This week's Hellthy Habit is....EXERCISE!  This by far is THE hardest thing for me to do on a consistent basis, even though I know...KNOW! amazing exercise can be for your overall health!  It is more amazing when you realize that just a little bit every day can add up to some big results.

I have some friends who do this amazingly well, like my friend Lil, who leads her own BodyPump class or Candice, who's a Roller Derby Queen, or even Hunter, who thinks all veggies are out to kill her, but loves exercise, I think, in any form.

But not me.  I'm very slovenly in this respect.  I do enjoy my long walks with the pupcicle, but not enough to get up an hour early to do so and it's hard when I get home to motivate myself, even though I know that I'll feel much better afterwards.

I had an ah-ha! moment on the scale this morning (not sure if you're paying attention, but I did update my Numbers Don't Lie section--yay me!)  I have been making it a point to walk the Darling Princess Adelaide at least 10 minutes a day.  [I know it should be more, but save you're breath--nothing you could write in and tell me about what an evil dog mom I am will be harder than what I tell myself!] Anyway, when I got on the scale, I had dropped 3 pounds from two weeks ago!  And let me tell you, that aside from eating veggies, drinking lots of water, and the increase in walking, I have been not to diligent with any of my Hellthy Habits!

I'm not so naive to think that it's ALL the exercise, but I think the increase in exercise--we've logged over 75 minutes thus far this week--has helped!

My other ah-ha! moment came last night when I realized that while I do enjoy long walks with Addy and should give her more walking time overall, it doesn't have to be the only exercise I do.  For the longest time, I've been feeling guilty about all exercise that didn't include Addy.  But then I realized that if pilates & yoga and swimming will help give me more energy, in the long run that will help Addy get longer walks!

So...I'm joining a gym.  Shocking, but true.  Something I haven't done in a very, verrry long time, but I'm actually kind of excited to get started.  Again, shocking, but true!

Let's The Games Begin!

~a little salt for your tequila & lime (to prevent scurvy of course!)

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