Here are the 6 steps mentioned in the article (the article is a quick read, if you wanna check it out!):
- Set your long term goals--keeping two very important things in mind so that you are not setting yourself up for failure:
- Your goals should be realistic--obviously you're not going to lose 50 pounds in 2 weeks, regardless of what the latest fad diet claims. Experts say that 1-2 pounds a week is a realistic and healthy amount to loose weekly. Use that as your guideline.
- You need to give yourself enough time to achieve them--to go from couch potato to running the NYC marathon in less than a month IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! If you want to run a marathon--great, but plan & set goals that are going to allow you to be successful!
- Set your short term goals. These should be easily & quickly obtained (and I don't mean snap your fingers and poof! you're done). These are the goals you're going to be hitting more often to keep you motivated and striving for your long term goals!
- WRITE both down on your calendar! This is a HUGE step!! And quite honestly something I've never thought about doing. Sure I'd always have tentative goals (I wanna lost 50 pounds by the end of the year), but seeing it on the calendar (I recommend writing it in a colored SHARPIE!) holds you more accountable and makes it more likely to go the distance!
- Set your rewards for each of your goals. Again, NOT food related rewards! Also, the reward should match the goal. Longer goals should get bigger rewards--think trips or spa days or new wardrobes!--and shorter goals get smaller rewards--a new book, a mani/pedi, a new album to download on your ipod. The world (sans food!) is your oyster!
- Post reminders of what you're trying to achieve--be it a photograph of a younger, healthier you or that weekend vacation spot that you're going to when you've run a marathon.
- Reward often, but ONLY when you've met a goal. Make sure that your rewards are always within reach and always building towards your long term goals. Make sure that you never reward yourself if you haven't met a goal (no sneaking in a quick mani/pedi just because!) and don't hesitate to adjust your goals, if you find that you are never rewarding yourself. It is possible that you need smaller steps--and honey, there ain't nothing wrong with admitting that! On the flip side, you do need to earn them, so don't make your goals so easy you're always getting something (sorry, but drinking 64oz of water for one day does not a good goal make!)
Once you start reaching your goals and rewarding yourself, you'll work harder and harder to get to your goals. It all starts with great planning--and a big SHARPIE!
~a little salt for the rim of your planning margarita--but only one! because you want to remain focused and realistic in your goals!!
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