Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Irony Is, Well, Ironical!

You know what's frustrating?  Well, a lot actually.  But in terms of portion size?

Those healthy heat & eat soup bowls.  Why?  Because the front CLEARLY reads "only 100 calories" and then in itty, bitty, teeny, tiny writing it reads "per serving." 

If you're like me, you think "HOT DAMN! 100 calories" Then you start thinking it's way too good to be true & there must be a catch. And you find it as reality smacks you right across the face when you turn the bowl around to read that your not-so-filling bowl of soup is actually 2.5 servings. BALLS! (yeah, I said it)

Okay, in the grand scheme of things, it's still only 250 calories.  BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT! They are appealling to people who are trying to be healthy and/or are trying to lose weight and deliberately advertising the calorie count of the serving size, not the portion size. C'mon! How many people out there actually eat LESS THAN ONE HALF of a SMALL bowl of soup? Probably not many...and if you do--willingly and without question or complaint--this ain't the blog for you! Honestly, how many people are actually finished with the flipping bowl of soup before they even read that there are 2.5 servings in the bowl?!?!? If your hand is raised (like mine is!), then stick around! :)

Say what you want about Frito Lay, but at least they acknowledge that you can't eat just one (serving) and are nice enough to provide you the nutritional information  for the entire snack or grab bag (even this chip-aholic can admit it's not a good thing to eat an entire large bag of chips in one serving. what? I didn't say it's never been done before....I mean, have you ever tasted Touch of Lime Tostitos...yeah, well, enough said.)

Anyway, I find it ironic that it's the junk food industry, who are leading in terms of nutritional disclosure. Even a 20 oz Coke will give you nutritional information by the serving and the bottle.  Kudos to them! 

Ha ha ha ha...nope, you weren't hallucinating, I just gave props to Frito Lay, Coca-Cola, and the junk food industry. At least when you have all the information in front of you WITHOUT having to read fine print and then do math, it's easier to make more informed choices. It's all there in black & white and--in my humble opinion--it's a lot easier to pick the snack size bag over the grab bag when you can hold them up next to each other and easily see your calorie savings by picking the smaller bag. And that, my friends, is what The Road to Hellthy is all about.

~a little salt for your tequila and lime (to prevent scurvy of course!)...but only a lick, a shot, and a wedge since it's the proper serving size & about 105 calories (see? FULL DISCLOSURE!)

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